Our Story.
MyDone was and is being created to answer the forever questions: what is going on right now in my company, where are we going and when will we get there?
In the past 50+ years, there has been a considerable shift in management philosophy. Industrial corporations of the 50s gave their place to hierarchical leadership of the 80s and they, in turn, - to the collaborative management of the 90s. Now we have entered the age when companies are considered to be networks where every person contributes to the company’s mission and purpose, where the team is the queen, and where community and a sense of belonging are the highest values. These networks, though, are fragile if not coordinated properly. Moreover, in the future, the shift to individual level is inevitable: diversity, trust, empathy, wellness will all play a great role in company’s ability to grow and be resilient.
A couple of years ago our team has started a project for a customer. We have started our cooperation during the early days of Covid, hence, 100% remote work (also across the time zones) has become a reality. In such a setup, which nowadays is very common, it was not only important to achieve business goals, but also build trust and, thus, maintain the highest possible level of transparency. Nevertheless, this is a common problem - we, as a company, may choose to pursue ambitious goals, but on a more granular level of a team there’s a constant lack of transparency: the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand does. The leaders of our team spent hours communicating the status, compiling reports, writing unnecessary emails, and scheduling yet another meeting. This only left many members of our team with around 60% of their time to be spent on meaningful work. Our ideal picture, though, would look completely different:
A team that is 100% focused on valuable work
Creative individuals who know exactly how their work contributes to the company’s objectives
People who know what to do and when to do it
Leaders that do not act as distracting factors but rather inspire the team and set up the direction
Everyone has access to the key information at any time
So we started building MyDone having this vision in mind...

Product and marketing
Product design
But at beginning of this year (2022) russia invaded Ukraine and the full-scale war started. While a tragedy in itself, this is also an experience. We have learned that despite the dreadful events we still are able to embrace the crisis, quickly restore our operations, and move forward. This critical situation has also highlighted the problem of transparency and coordination even more. More. However, this was only possible by working an enormous amount of extra-hours.
Right now we’re on a path to bring more focus, structure, and a sense of connection to every individual in the company with little to no extra effort. Follow MyDone to bring your company and your teams to the next level.